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  • Sicknote Sunak

    Rishi Sunak is the Prime Minister of Britain. He is the wealthiest person ever to be part of a British government, never mind a Prime Minister. A lot of people try to paint him as gold digger. You see, he married into a wealthy family who owned an Indian tech company worth over $8 billion.…

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  • The Grass is Greener …

    I was lucky enough to be in Scotland and England this last fortnight. As you do when you go overseas you tend to compare your lifestyle with the country you are visiting. Whether it’s the weather (it was cold and wet), the cost of living (God it’s expensive) or if you have a disability, the…

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    What is the one thing that people with a disability or people who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing hate the most as a collective? I reckon it’s waking up each day and knowing that at some time and some place today that society has forgotten us. Not deliberately, of course, but simply through ignorance and a…

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